Mwambao Coastal Community Network Tanzania2024-06-06T15:50:57+04:00


  • All sixteen community local institutions (BMUs/SFCs assessed and capacitated on governance aspects
  • Eleven marine resource user maps were produced (5 Pemba & 6 Unguja) while Pangani produced one collective map
    through their Collaborative Fisheries Management Area (CFMA) for Ushongo, Stahabu, Sange, and Kipumbwi (USTASAKI


  • Scoping survey;
  • Capacity assessment and capacity building trainings of local fisheries institutions and District authorities;
  • Establishment of local marine resource management plans including reef closures (octopus and other species);
  • Artificial reef construction and deployment (reef balls);


  • OUTPUT 1: Sufficient knowledge and incentives given to enable 4 BMUs (Tanzania mainland) and 7 SFCs (Zanzibar) including membership of 30% women, to engage equitably in collaborative and sustainable marine resource management
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