Technical Assistance

The provision of the Technical Assistance Team (TAT) is part of a broader Service Contract awarded to Incatema Consortium which also includes the provision of 700 working days of short-term Expertise (STE).

The Technical Assistance Team comprises:

One Fisheries Economist/Team Leader

who is called upon to oversee Result 1. It is a full-time position with 1140 working days over a period of 62 months.

One Monitoring, Control and Surveillance Expert

who is responsible to assist the operations under Result 2. It is a quasi-full post with 900 working days.

One Communication and Visibility Expert,

who oversees the overall Communication & Visibility Strategy and Action Plan of the ECOFISH programme. It can be considered as a part-time position with 690 working days.

The TAT and STE cut across the other work plans. They provide expert advice and strategic orientation to the LVFO, LTA and IOC PE. The Fisheries Economist/Team Leader is also responsible for the overall technical coordination and Integration Management of the programme.