In the heart of Mutendezi, a resilient community in Mozambique, lives Isaque Adelino—a 29-year-old fisher and fishmonger who provides for his family of six.
Amidst the rhythmic tides of daily life, the fisherman became involved with the ADPP Clube de Pescadores, an Ecofish project generously funded by the European Union. He swiftly embarked on a transformative journey, enhancing not only his lifestyle but also the economic landscape of Mutendezi.
Entrepreneurial leap
Born and raised in Mutendezi, Isaque’s life has always been intricately connected to the ebb and flow of the fishing trade.
Thanks to credit groups— which were facilitated by the Ecofish project— the young fisher seized the opportunity to establish a mini commercial outlet. An entrepreneurial leap that reflected his ambition. The project now stands as a hub for various products, becoming a focal point for the economic activities of the community.
Isaque’s journey unfolds as a collaborative effort. His wife, a steadfast companion, actively engages in the sales aspect, bringing a valuable dimension to the business.
Creating Opportunities
Like for many others, the Ecofish project has been a turning point for Isaque. Through rigorous training and the establishment of savings groups, he found a channel to elevate his aspirations. These groups provided a platform to start his new venture.
Isaque’s story is an inspiring one, showcasing progress in Mutendezi through collaboration and economic empowerment. Another impelling chapter in the ongoing saga of positive change fostered by the Ecofish project.