Have you ever wondered what tomorrow is made of? Even if you do not know what the future holds, you can surely try building it in the best way possible. It is with this mindset that Inocência Fazbem now plans hers.
For the longest time, members of the community only cared about fishing… It was their main economic basis for subsistence, regardless of how it was done and how unsustainable these practices were. Fortunately, thanks to the ECOFISH program and the promotion of small-scale sustainable fishing, they were able to get a better understanding of the big picture.
“Prior to the ECOFISH program, we only depended on fishing, which usually occurs between May and August. During the cold period, we would always register a low fish catch and would not have alternatives to earn a living”, highlights Inocência.”
“I am very grateful to ADPP – the fishermen’s club. They introduced us to a sustainable livelihood, and I can now stop depending solely on fishing! The vegetable garden has brought great value to my family and the club, and even when the project ends, we will make sure to perpetuate the production since we have water and know where to buy the inputs.”
Given the keys to a brighter future, Inocência is now determined to be a shining example for her community!